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software available:
JSH mobile learning physics toolkit
JSH mobile learning physics toolkit [Code: ML4PHTK]
Who is the software suitable for?
This toolkit is aimed at KS4 teachers of science in England, Northern Ireland and Wales, upper secondary teachers of science in Scotland and Ireland.
About the software:
The resources will extend the reach of the physics teacher and support bridging the gap between formal and informal learning for their pupils.
The toolkit includes:
A complete physics microblog course for use with tools such as Twitter, Facebook and Tumblr, containing over 2000 Tweets and images
90+ interactive microcourse PDFs and a matching number of micropresentations that cover physics in great detail
The new JSH Mobile Learning Physics Toolkit is a resource designed to support science educators in delivering the physics curriculum inside and outside of the classroom; both on- and off-line.
The toolkit helps the teacher deliver engaging and stimulating content with increased compatibility for the ever-increasing array of smartphone and tablet devices used by pupils. Though the utility of the toolkit means it is readily compatible with laptop and desktop computers.
This increased compatibility is achieved through having all of the innovative content designed to be delivered using tools and apps that are freely available in the iOS Apple Store and the Android Google Play Store. Tools and apps such as the Adobe Acrobat Reader, PowerPoint, Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook and Instagram.
Interactive PDFs
The portable document format (PDF), through the freely available Adobe Acrobat Reader, allows for delivery of documents across the varying devices now used by pupils. The JSH toolkit uses this fact to support the science teacher in delivering content through interactive PDF documents accessible by the mobile devices of their pupils.
The JSH interactive microcourse PDF documents, differ from standard PDF documents, in that they allow the pupils to save their answers to questions/activities locally on their device for return to, and reviewing by, their teacher a later time.
You can download some example free science interactive PDF resources which demonstrate the essential features of the content by clicking on some of the links on this page.
Note: you also have the option of purchasing (through a one-off payment) a license to use the templates and source files used to create the interactive PDFs.
A complete lower secondary physics microblog course
Microblogging sites such as Twitter and Tumblr are frequently used by high school pupils for communicating with their peers. Many schools also increasingly use such sites for their pastoral communications. The JSH lowers secondary science microblog course opens up a new channel of content delivery (for those teachers not already using such a channel) with over 2000 Tweets and images.
The onerous thought of a teacher entering individual Tweets one after another (in their own time) to build a meaningful microblog lesson is not the actual scenario. Instead, the JSH toolkit shows you how you can schedule in advance batches of messages and images to be made live at a time of your choosing, for example the night before a module test.
Science teachers utilising microblogs to deliver content are delivering information in a way that many of their pupils like to access information outside of the classroom.
Bite-sized learning chunks
The toolkit breaks down the physics course into manageable bite-sized learning chunks through use of interactive microcourse PDFs, micropresentations and the microblog course.
Future-proofing against future course changes
Much of the software schools currently purchase has prohibitively expensive annual renewal fees or becomes out of date all too quickly as curricula periodically change. To combat this we offer the option of a school licensing (through a one-off payment) to use the templates and source files we used to create the interactive PDFs (which are supplied along with a detailed training guide), combined with a training day held at your school site.
Click on the icons below to view examples of some of the 90+ interactive microcourse PDFs and microblog lessons found within the toolkit. You must save the PDFs to your device and then open using Adobe Acrobat Reader 8.0 or higher to utilise the full benefits of the interactive features. The latest version of the Adobe Acrobat Reader is also free in the Apple Store and Android Google Play Store:
KC04PH032 Renewable and Non-renewable Energy
KC04PH086 Structure of the Earth
Purchasing options
Offer 1: JSH Mobile Learning Physics Toolkit
Cost: £199.99 (€230.00/US$260/AUS$330)**
What you get: a complete microblog course for science (written for compatibility with sites such as Twitter and Facebook, over 2000 individual Tweets and images); 90+ interactive microcourse PDFs and a matching number of 90+ micropresentations.
Offer 2: JSH Mobile Learning Science Creator Toolkit (Whole Department)
Cost: £699.99 (€800.00/US$1200/AUS$1500)**